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Why clubresale.com?

Clubresale.com is the unique, simple & first ever safest platform to sell your membership hassle free.

  1. You don’t need to find a buyer
  2. Our dedicated call centre will help you in every step.
  3. No negotiations on price.
  4. Buyer will not bargain with you.
  5. Once buyer shows interest in your membership then he is bond to buy yours as the registration fees paid by him gives him only your contact detail.
  6. Buyer needs to pay again & register with us if he do not purchase your membership.
  7. Only genuine buyers can approach you as the access is not free
  8. Buyer will have complete details about your product & even knows how much he needs to pay you.
  9. Once your membership is blocked you gets alert via sms & email.
  10. Nominal fees to register yourself.
  11. Buyers already awaiting your membership .
  12. Finance option coming soon
  13. If you club is not listed with us, proceed through other club option & we will create even your club in club list.

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